Pisces Season 2023

On Saturday, February 18, 2023, we enter the final stage of the astrological year as the Sun enters Pisces. In the last month as the Sun traversed Aquarius, we’ve been testing boundaries and asserting our independence, owning who we are while finding our place as a friend, a teammate, a member of our community. But now, we head into the land of dreams. Pisces season asks us to tune inwards, listen to your intuition and deepen our spiritual practice.

Less than 36 hours after the Sun enters Pisces, the Moon meets the Sun at 1° Pisces. The New Moon in Pisces hits late night 11:05pm PST on Sunday, February 19th or 2:05pm EST on Monday, February 20th (check your timezone).  This New Moon follows a pattern of the last three months of New Moons all at 1°. This degree point has the energy of Aries and the fighting spirit of Mars – we are expressing our goals and trying to move our vision forward.  But it’s been a long haul with many planets moving slowly coming out of their retrograde shadows. The energy truly gets going in March once the Sun moves into Aries for the Equinox.

The Pisces New Moon is romantic and enchanted with Venus conjunct Neptune. Amp up the love vibes, write poetry, dance, make art. Channel your creativity and try not to escape into disillusionment. Responsible Saturn gives a reality check to the dream state you might be experiencing. In the New Moon chart, Venus is poised at 29° Pisces, marking a completion as it stands at the final degree. Say goodbye to nostalgia, unrequited love, and any dreams that aren’t serving your highest purpose. One hour after the New Moon, Venus moves into Aries compelling us to honor our desires and the love we give.

Mercury moves into Pisces on March 2nd bringing our thoughts and words into dreamland too. Take care articulating your wishes because Mercury in Pisces has delusions of grandeur and a tendency to daydream. Not to worry – Mercury is in Pisces for a grand total of 16 days, and it enters Aries on March 18th. Your communication will turn honest and impactful.

Mark March 7, 2023, the day that Saturn enters Pisces for its 2 ½ year stint – and the same day of the Full Moon in Virgo. For those who have Saturn in Aquarius, your Saturn Return is officially over! If you are born 1964 – 1967 or 1993 - 1996, your Saturn Return is now beginning. This is a major opportunity to review the life you’ve constructed and make it work for you. Saturn in Pisces sets boundaries for our imagination, our artistic endeavors, and our mindless addictive (social media, anyone?) behaviors. Now is the time to lock in that daily meditation practice, focus your mind on a higher vibration. 

The Full Moon in Virgo sends us a reality check, seeing what is real and what is fantasy. Firm up your plans and start executing. It’s time to let go of whatever has been holding you back. The last two weeks of March may be wild with Venus moving into her home sign of Taurus on March 16, Mercury going into Aries on March 18, the Vernal Equinox on March 20, New Moon in Aries on March 21 and the long-anticipated, game changing entrance of Pluto into Aquarius on March 23, 2023. Get with your tribe, collective humanity is about to go through some things. 💫💫💫💫


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