Earth Astrology

The following article was originally published in November 2022 in the magazine, Enter the Mesh: SOIL. 
The study of astrology gives us a language to engage with and make meaning out of the universe — the elements, the flora and fauna, and the entire natural world that we inhabit. I was swept up with the magic of the Earth and its power of creation and healing during a visit to the Northeast Kingdom of Vermont in late summer. Watching the sun and moon rise and set, walking barefoot on the dewy soil, peeking into uninhabited forest realms. The land brought me great healing and renewal. When we tap into the energies that surround us, we make ourselves available for miracles. 

As children we learned about the four elements - Earth, Air, Water, Fire. To classify the material world at this basic level was practical, observational, and experiential. Since ancient times, more elements have been systematized in the spiritual and scientific spheres, but these four essential elements – Earth, Air, Water, Fire – have sustained us and allowed us to make sense of the world in which we live.

Across cultures, rituals and rites, gods, and goddesses, were assigned to the elements. Greek earth goddess Gaia, born at the dawn of creation is called the Great Mother or Mother Earth. Creator and source of life, she sustains flora and fauna - the animal and plant realms – from which we derive and ideally, live in harmony. In the Tarot, Earth is represented by Discs (pentacles in some desks) and Princesses (pages in some decks), which represent finances, safety, security, wealth, and abundance. Earth is feminine and receptive; it is the space where material takes form, where manifestation becomes reality and money and prosperity flourish.

In Astrology, the 12 zodiac signs are divided among the four elements and Earth is represented by three signs: Taurus, Virgo, and Capricorn. Each sign possesses a unique representation of earthly matters. 

The first of the earth signs is, Taurus. Signified as the Bull, it is grounding, stabilizing, a definitive force of strength and steadfastness. Taurus rules the 2nd house of the zodiac and represents our biological instinct for survival and emphasizes the need to be self-reliant, self-sufficient, and do whatever it takes to sustain and contain our very being. We create a value system to delineate what is important to us, what is worth fighting for, and what we can create in the material realm that allows us to maneuver in the world. Gentle, receptive Venus is the planetary ruler of Taurus adding on a layer of beauty, artistry, sensuality, loyalty, and inherent talent. And money. The currency of money is energetic, used to exchange goods or services of equal value. Energy, which is inherently neutral, is often manipulated to serve an agenda and realign a values system to benefit one over another. Cautious Taurus, for its survival, needs to balance an inherent lack and scarcity mindset with tendencies towards greed and overindulgence in order to create a self-sustaining reality.

 The next earth sign is Virgo, the ruler of the 6th house. Virgo is active and relates to the body, physical health, habits, as well as the work and service you do in the world. Virgo is analytical and dutiful, with strong attention to detail. Signified by the Virgin with planetary rulers Mercury, and in some traditions, Chiron. Virgo compels us to let go of any victimhood or martyrdom tendencies and focus on self-improvement and diligent work so that our talents (Taurus energy) may be used to make a difference as we show up in the world. 

Capricorn, signified by the Goat, rounds out the trinity of earth signs. Ruler of the 10th house, Capricorn energy highlights self-determination, leadership, maturity, and dignity on an individual level. For the collective, it’s about creating structure and our literal reality in the world. There is a surefootedness of the goat, who can climb on rocky terrain, seemingly precarious but fundamentally stable. If Taurus brings out our talents and Virgo allows us to gets things done in the earthly realm, Capricorn is where we experience mastery. Saturn, the planetary ruler, is a bit of a taskmaster, sometimes confining and pushing us to our limits regarding time and space, cause and effect. The concretizing force of Saturn, ultimately, is where we can garner some of the greatest results in the physical world.

Since 2018, the Earth energy of Taurus has been activated by the planet Uranus, fundamentally altering our collective consciousness for a generation. Uranus, God of the sky and child of Gaia, is transiting through Taurus until 2026. Uranus is a disruptor, an innovator, a planet of strong will that pushes us past the limitations of society. Uranus in Taurus makes us question our values, our monetary systems, our loyalties. Taurus resists change, it is slow and plodding. Whereas, Uranus brings cataclysmic change, disregarding the status quo. 

Uranus rules technology, which when combined with Taurus’ rulership of wealth and money, showcases that our financial systems are undergoing a revolution during this period. We can correlate this to cryptocurrency, NFTs, and online banking on the rise. Cash is disappearing and with every transaction just a click away, exchanging money is instantaneous and nearly thoughtless. Technology is revolutionizing the financial markets and its effects are global. As we find with change, some are adapting to the opportunities and challenges of this new era, while others are suffering under the weight of technology. New investors and workers are coming together to realize their value to the system. Collective bargaining is back in vogue, with young people organizing and pushing the existing structures to change or die. When Uranus finally leaves Taurus in 2026, what of the old financial and capitalist systems will remain?  And what will be valued?

The earth itself has experienced massive transformation since the 19th century Industrial Revolution began scaling use of the earth’s resources without thought to the balance of nature. It’s not a new concern, but the urgency, fear, and attention, is palpable now. The young environmental activist, Greta Thunberg, came onto the scene in 2018, just 15 years-old when Uranus entered Taurus, and inspired a generation. There is a Taurean tendency of society to act like a frog in the well without a care for the bigger picture. Uranus in Taurus threatens this ignorance as environments and weather patterns change drastically, causing floods and fires, drought and food insecurity, and species becoming extinct.

Earthly Taurus is experiencing an extremely potent period from January 2022 to July 2023 as the Lunar North Node transits through the sign of Taurus, and the opposing South Node in Scorpio. The moon in astrology represents our inner self/ego and the lunar nodes are the portal through which we integrate our sense of self. In Taurus/Scorpio, it’s the pull of our self-sufficiency vs. our desire to connect with others. Are we meeting our desires as individuals and in partnership?

With the Lunar Nodes come Eclipses and six will happen on the Taurus/Scorpio axis in this period. Eclipses occur in pairs or trios during New Moon (solar eclipses) and Full Moon (lunar eclipses) lunations. When the sun’s potent energy is blocked, its electromagnetic field is interrupted and diluted, causing a shift on earth. Spiritually, eclipses may reveal karma, fate, and fundamental change. They close doors and open opportunities on the level of our collective consciousness and personal evolution should we have planets or aspects at the degree of the eclipse. Eclipse energy may reveal itself a year or month before or after the event. Eclipses affect all areas of our lives – career shifts, marriage, divorce, pregnancies, relocation, travel, education – and the 2022-2023 eclipses are filtered through Taurus and Scorpio:  What do we value? What do we desire? Are we self-sufficient? Are we paying attention to the world?

Lunar Partial Eclipse   November 19, 2021 @ 27° Taurus

Solar Partial Eclipse April 30, 2022 @ 10° Taurus

Lunar Total Eclipse  May 16, 2022 @ 25° Scorpio

Solar Partial Eclipse October 25, 2022 @ 2° Scorpio

Lunar Total Eclipse  November 8, 2022 @ 16° Taurus

Lunar Partial Eclipse   October 28, 2023 @ 5° Taurus

The planets in our galaxy are in constant motion. They transit through the astrological signs realizing the energies of Earth, Air, Water, Fire, learning lessons and forcing change on a macro and micro level. We are experiencing the earth's change in real time — and the planets can show us what lessons we are meant to learn.


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