Did You Feel it?

Did you feel it?! A cascading energy shift began on March 20, 2023, as the Sun entered Aries heralding the vernal Equinox and the beginning of the astrological year. The uplevel continued all week as more planets rearranged themselves. After the Sun changed signs, the Moon entered Aries and met the Sun for an intense New Moon, Mars left it’s 7-month stint in Gemini for the soothing waters of Cancer, and after 225 years transiting around the zodiac, Pluto ingressed into Aquarius. It was a big week in our galaxy.

Equinox, a day of equal light and darkness, happens two times a year when the Sun crosses the Earth’s celestial equator. It represents a shift in the seasons - for the Northern Hemisphere, the start of spring and in the Southern Hemisphere, the start of autumn. This year’s Equinox had extra strength with Mercury, Chiron, and Jupiter in Aries adding major forward momentum in our communications, healing, and expansion. Equinoxes are 3-month energetic blueprints, harbingers of our future, and an important time to act. Listen to your impulses, be spontaneous, and use the 00° Aries as your manifestation portal. It is not too late to put your plans into action.

This Aries season is incredibly dynamic in that there are two New Moons – one at the start of the sign and one at the end – 00° Aries New Moon on March 21st and 29° Aries New Moon on April 20th, which happens to be a Solar Eclipse. Step into your future with new awareness and move towards mastery and resolution of your ultimate goals. Authenticity is key. Eclipses create openings and when you are in alignment, the opportunities line up for your highest good. Sometimes eclipses bring endings, which are hard to acknowledge and experience, but closure can also be the key to growth. Use this time of Sun in Aries to focus and clarify your intentions, honor your own unique self, and take clear action.

Pluto last was in Aquarius from 1777 – 1798, and harkens a time of liberation, innovation, and transformation of the collective. Whatever we think might happen over the next twenty years of the transit of Pluto in Aquarius, it will certainly be something beyond our current capacity to fathom. Aquarius is the sign of humanity and humanitarianism; people come together in groups of friends, larger communities, and a global family. The time is calling us to find greater connection and pay attention to what is dividing us. We know from our childhoods that friend groups can easily turn into cliques and factions that ultimately separate us and make us feel terrible and lonely. Let us pay attention to how that shows up on the global scale and try to make a difference for humanity’s sake.

For your personal transformation, look to Aquarius in your natal chart. The theme of the House that has Aquarius will be amplified for the next 20 years. Is it 6th house of work and health? You may be innovating in your field, working to help humanity, using technology and alternative medicine. 4th house Aquarius could see a transformation of your home, moving into communal living, finding security in a new community. Pluto in Aquarius pushes us to restructure and revolutionize a new part of our lives, to honor connection and belonging. We have twenty years until 2044, let’s get it right.


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