What is a Skipped Step

Evolution happens through the emotional body. Push our boundaries or play it safe? The Nodes of the Moon represent our past and future emotional states. South Node — past life self-image, gifts and talents that come easy because its familiar, the emotions are safe, secure, and tidy.  North Node — future self that which is developing and pulling away from the past and present. Our emotions are tenuous, not firm, and the feelings around moving forward into the unknown are often scary and uncomfortable. Some of us do not want to go into the unknown murky future and will do everything we can to prevent it.

The North & South Nodes are both represented in the natal chart as a polarity; they always oppose each other.  When a planet squares a pair of opposites, it forms a T-Square and when this happens with the Nodes, in Evolutionary Astrology, it is called a Skipped Step. Energetically it’s a flip-flop or 1 step forward - 2 steps back expression. There is tension and stress on both sides that often represents unresolved issues, polarization, a need for balance, integration, and ideally, resolution. Avoidance and denial are hallmarks of Skipped Steps as there may be resistance in not wanting to move forward from the South Node. In the chart, the focus on that planet(s) is heightened and continues until the skipped step resolved.

The Skipped Step pertains to both the South and North Nodes because the Soul has attempted to avoid resolving dynamics of the evolutionary past (South Node) by “jumping to” dynamics of the evolutionary future (North Node). - Deva Green

In general, square aspects require greater awareness and attention. Squares are provocative - the energy calls for growth. In a Skipped Step, there are two squares at play:

  • 1st quarter square (90°). Crisis in Action. Point of self-awareness and potential turning point that requires focus, discipline and resilience.

  • Final quarter square (270°). Crisis in Consciousness. New decisions are made through a deeper level of self-knowledge and mastery. Make new choices and shift towards completion.

The “Resolution Node” is where the Healing happens. To find the resolution node, focus on the planet that is skipped and then point to the Node to the LEFT (the Node that is further along clockwise).  The resolution includes the planet itself, the resolution Node (North or South) and the planetary rulers of both Nodes.  Some charts may even contain two skipped steps — and two resolution Nodes. Whether one or two, the resolution energy is a 1st quarter square, bringing a conscious focus towards actions that will trigger integration of emotional core:

Where are you disharmonious? Where (or at what point) is your nervous system out of balance? What does “recovery” look like? What does the path forward look like?

  • North Node Resolution:  Evolutionary focus which will Heal

  • South Node Resolution: Evolutionary focus that allows Unification


  1. What Planet is squaring the Nodes?

  2. What House is that Planet in?

  3. What Signs are the Nodes?

  4. What Houses are the Nodes in?

  5. What Planets rule the Signs of the Nodes? Signs, Houses, Aspects of those two planets?

  6. Which Node is the Resolution Node?

  7. Are there Planets in conjunction with the North or South Node? They are involved in the story too.

The experience of a skipped step is a compelling evolutionary story that may take a lifetime to figure out. By putting the elements together, you begin to understand this unique push-pull dynamic that is unique to you.


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